Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The End is Near

I can tell in every classroom I've been in lately that the end of the school year is fast approaching.  Monday was the last day off of school.  With the end comes a whole slew of problems.  First, I'm not sure how many jobs will be available for me in the next two weeks.  Should I start accepted every day and half day job I find?  At this point I'm thinking probably, but I can't help but think that every time I accept a mediocre position a few days in advance I will miss a perfect job (a better suited subject matter or a closer school).  I really can't worry too much about the what ifs though.

The kids have also gotten a bit more difficult.  I can feel their summer energy is now barely contained as the watch the calendar slowly count down the days to their summer freedom.  The teachers I have talked with are also excited for the new prospects that come with summer.  Some are anticipating the few months of freedom, or just the new opportunities that await in September.

I find this new season much more difficult than I anticipated a few short months ago.  I've been at this for almost five months and had expected to be moving on to a better position in Japan.  Alas, it seems as if I am doomed to stay in professional limbo for awhile yet.  I hate the waiting the most, which seems to be all that I'm doing lately.  Waiting for another sub job, waiting to hear about the Japan program, waiting to move, waiting for something to happen.  While students around the district and country are eagerly waiting for the last day of school, I am dreading the end of the school year.  Although subbing is frustrating at times, it was consistent work that I could count on for a decent paycheck at the end of each month.  It was something that was flexible and I could leave at anytime without anyone really noticing should I get the call to go to Japan.  Now I have to find something to occupy my time throughout the summer.  So more waiting as I send applications and resumes to anything that looks promising.  Still two weeks left, and I know a lot could change in these few weeks.  For now, I'll just be waiting.

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