Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Here it Goes again

Well ya'll, I'm back.  It's been a. . . kinda boring summer.  I wound up with minimal employment so I tried to keep my time occupied by working on my wedding scrapbook and other pursuits.  But the school season is now upon us, or at least almost upon us.  Tomorrow is the first day of school for my school district.  I'm very excited and have spent the last few days getting ready.  As is usually the case with me, things did not quite go as smoothly as I expected.

I noticed that sometime during the summer, my account with the sub system had been locked out.  At the time I was not alarmed, assuming that perhaps the system gets locked during the summer when the district isn't using it. I was worried though when my account was still locked up a week ago.  I had also sent the sub coordinator an e-mail a few weeks ago with my new address and phone number.  I specifically asked her to send me an e-mail back saying when/if she would change my phone number in the sub system because that would change some of my log-in info.  Two weeks later I still heard no reply.  I finally phoned her office yesterday to find out if I had missed some bit of valuable information or was I going to be out of a job for the next year.  I was lucky enough to get the actual HR person in charge of the sub system and she was able to get everything working again for me.  Apparently  there was a letter that went out about continuing employment that was somehow missed in my move. She also never received my e-mails.  I'm not sure where they got lost in cyber space because I double checked after our phone conversation and the e-mail address definitely was hers.  Either way, there was no permanent damage done and I am not gainfully employed for the coming school year.

I'm very excited for the coming year in that I found out several of my friends received permanent teaching positions with the district.  I told that to let me know if they get sick or need a vacation.  I am also determined to try networking and trying to get more requested jobs this year.  I didn't try very hard at to make connections as a sub because I was only planning to sub just the half of the year.   I had business cards made to leave teachers so they will hopefully call me for their subbing needs.  I also have a few more ideas to help get the sub ball rolling.  For now, I'm just waiting for the first job to show up on my screen.


  1. I'm pretty sure that cyberspace loses a lot of things.

  2. And the cycle of constantly refreshing your screen begins again, right? :)
