Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's All Coming back

For those of you keeping track (just me, I think) I have now logged over 100 days substituting.  I feel proud.

Now for the real part.  For some reason, I keep getting jobs teaching Math.  Even a lot of my recent elementary days seem to have the "big" lesson for the day be the math lesson.  I am proud to say that besides my current AP calculas job, I've been able to remember how to do maths (I decided to be British for that sentence because saying maths is fun)!  My high school math teachers would be so proud.  I've remembered how to plot points on a coordinate plane.  I've remembered how use alternate exterior angles to find out how big other angles are.  I think I've even managed to correct mistakes that some students were making on their homework.  I think I even missed doing proofs in geometry earlier this week (Given!!).

Now, I'm relatively sure that I'm not wanting to turn in my English degree and pursue the life of a mathematician (though "A Beautfiul Mind" does make that look fun).  I am just excited that I am at the point where I'm comforatable teaching almost anything.  I really don't worry that much about presentation anymore because usually I just know what will work.  I can relax and have fun with the lesson.  I made a roomfull fourth graders giggle as I taught them about decimals by usuing money.  Although I occasionally have the I've-never-done-this-so-don't-ask-me class (like today), I still feel confident that I'm not going to regrett my decision to accept that math teacher position.

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