Monday, November 22, 2010


I finished reading XKCD today at school.  Now what do I do during my free time?


Today is my first sort of snow event as a substitute.  I live in an area of the country where it snows very rarely.  When there is any snow, people tend to freak out and close everything because no one really has the necessary equipment to get to work and keep the roads clear.  This morning, it was snowing lightly when I went to school.  Several other school districts had a late start or had already announced an early release because temperatures are expected to drop and more snow is expected to fall.  This morning marked off and on snow flurries.  For once, I am a bit sad to have a classroom with several large windows.  Almost an entire wall is made of windows.  As if being a substitute wasn't bad enough. . . as if working three days before Thanksgiving wasn't enough. . . as if working within view of snow wasn't bad enough.  So far classes have been ok.  There's definitely a bit of a "we're not having school tomorrow so I don't have to work on this assignment" kind of feeling though.  I have two more ninth grade classes, so we'll see what happens.  I'm still trying to get a job for tomorrow, but it could be a very interesting Thanksgiving week!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So much has happened since my last blog but nothing seemed worthy enough no get an entire blog to itself.  Today will be a hodge-podge of my goings on in the last few weeks.

First, I finally got my first full pay check of the school year.  Because the ridiculous pay-periods and only getting paid once a month, my first paycheck for an entire month of subbing came last Friday.  It was a very exciting day because my husband and I were at zero dollars and hadn't really been able to buy anything for a long time.  We celebrated by grocery shopping and feasting on our shopping spoils.  And there was much rejoicing in the Snyder household.

I also received several apology letters from some not so stellar sub experiences.  These letters reminded me of my own assigned apology letters (see previous blogs for more info).  First, several weeks ago I subbed in an ELL classroom for a friend of mine.  I had one class that was terribly noisy.  It was pretty sad because it was even a fun listening exercise with a scene from the movie "Coraline."  My friend made them all write me apology letters in English.  I'm sure it was great practice for them and they were great fun to read.  I also was mailed apology letters from the girls I ninja attacked.  They all said they were sorry and would be more respectful of a sub in the future.

This week seems to be specialist week.  Every assignment is just a little bit out of the ordinary classroom experience.  Monday I taught preschool.  This was an exhausting day working with teachers who have been together for a very long time.  It was quite frustrating because they weren't real great at telling me what I could do.  They were however fantastic at telling me what I shouldn't do!  The next day I taught elementary English.  I was there on the one day that the teacher didn't have a break except for lunch.  After about ten classes teaching the same lesson, I was ready for a nap.  Yesterday I worked in an elementary special education transition room. This was basically the self-contained children with more severe disabilities.  This day I had fabulous para educators that helped show me what to do with the children.  Once I figured out the schedule and rotations I was able to jump right in and help out.  The paras were impressed with my fearless attitude and hoped I would return again as a sub in their classroom.  Today I taught two periods of Jr. high Spanish. I am so grateful for a pretty easy morning.  Tomorrow I return to the same school for Jr. high P.E.  As usual for me there's nothing normal in my schedule.

Best of all, next week is vacation.  I get to spend an entire week in Hawaii with my wonderful husband and parents.  I am so in need of this break.  I am ready for the sun, the sand, and the great company.  So until next time, this is your sub chronicler saying, "Aloha!"