Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Last Day

Today was the last day of school, and I was lucky enough to have a job!  I was asked weeks ago to teach for my former cooperating teacher because she had made plans for the end of the school year before they had to add a week of snow days to the end of the school year.

It was so strange back in the room where my teaching career started almost three years ago.  I remember coming to meet her for the first time.  The school librarian (who happens to have the same name as my husband:) took me through the halls to her classroom.  I was nervous, but very excited to start my last step to finishing college and getting my teaching degree.  I have been back to that classroom several times since finishing student teaching.  Each time gives me  little sense of nostalgia remembering the times where I would be sitting at the back desk every day.

Appropriately, today was the moving up ceremony celebrating the ninth graders (ninth grade is the top of jr. high in this school district).  It was an hour of speeches, awards, and performance by several talented students (included a boy who demonstrated escaping from a straitjacket!)  Most profound to me was the loan faculty speech from one of the math teachers.  She asked students to think of all the pictures they have with strangers dotting the background.  She explained how you don't know how many people might have a picture with you in the background.  That each person at the school has witnessed incredibly moments of victory and sorrow often only as background characters.  You cannot always be in the spotlight and sometimes have to be in the background.  Yet our choices in the background can still have a profound and lasting impact on those around us.  Every day we can encourage or damage someone through our simple words and actions.  These small things add up to say more about who we truly are as individuals then are actions and words when everyone is watching.

These words truly resonated with me today.  I have spent the last year and a half as a background support character in the school system.  At the end of the day, there were no students that wanted to give me a hug and wish me a good summer.  No yearbooks to sign, no pictures or presents waiting for me at my desk.  There was just me, making the conscious decision to teach the best I could and be the best positive influence in student's lives for the day.  The journey was never easy, but I did meet a lot of amazing people along the way and hopefully made some people feel welcome and heard.

In true end-of-the-year fashion, I do want to say thanks to a few people.  Although they will probably never read this, it still doesn't hurt to put these good wishes out into cyberspace.  Thank you to all the teachers who trusted me enough to request my presents in you classrooms.  I'm not sure why you picked me over the dozens of more qualified substitutes (I mean you, 7th grade science teacher!) but I sincerely appreciate feeling like a little part of your classroom.  Thank you to the students that recognized me when I walked your halls from past sub assignments.  Although I rarely could remember your name, your recognition meant the world to me in a very thankless job.  Thanks to the teachers who welcomed me into your conversations in the teacher's lounge and to the teachers that helped me when technology, lesson plans, or other strange acts of failure would arise.  You are the people that make me feel like a real teacher and miss being part of a supportive staff.

Thanks to my husband, who continually told me how amazing and awesome I am even when I didn't feel like I deserved it.  You love, support, and encouragement has made these long months seem worth it.  I can't tell you how much your words have meant to me and helped me after difficult days.

Finally, a thanks to you dear reader.  It's nice to know that someone is reading this and many of you understand the trials of a difficult job.  Thanks to the comments and general well-wishes and  support throughout this last year and a half.  To the strangers who have read and even subscribed (hi Amy!) I feel honored that you would take the time to read my silly words.  This will likely be my last blog as I am leaving the country to work teaching English in Japan (a new blog is coming as soon as I know where I am placed!)  As I will no longer be a substitute, my chronicles are finished.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Keeping Busy

Some days, I have A LOT of free time as a sub.  On these days, I usually try and help out around the school, but sometimes there's just nothing to do but hang out in my classroom.  Early on I learned to always be prepared with something to occupy my time.  Luckily, I usually have access to a computer (though with some filtering).  The following are some of my time wasters.

A few years ago, I took up knitting.  I quickly learned that knitting is an awesome activity for a substitute.  I often bring my projects with me to my classroom.  Knitting is the perfect activity for the days when I'm monitoring a work day or when the students are watching a movie.  I found that a mindless knitting pattern keeps me occupied enough to avoid absolute boredom, but leaves me present enough in the classroom to actually notice and anticipate possible classroom problems.  Knitting is a better activity for me than reading in the classroom because I have the tendency to get completely engrossed in the story and totally tune-out my surroundings.  This year, I finished a baby blanket, several hats, two scarves, and other odd assortments of knitting projects.

I have also found a number of websites that keep me occupied at work.  I always get pretty excited when I find a useful website that isn't blocked by the school districts web filter.  I've read through several blogs and web comics during my time subbing.  Some of my favorite sites include XKCD, Order of the Stick, and Hyperbole and a Half.  I often use either to play quietly to attempt to control student volume during work days.  I also usually use grooveshark to play my current favorite artist Florence + the Machine to combat the eerie quiet during my prep period.

Finally, there is the classic reading of a book.  I usually only read during my prep period or to be an example to the students when they're supposed to be reading.  Recently, I read through the entire Twilight series during my spare time as a sub.  A couple years ago I read the first Twilight book and wasn't terribly impressed.  I felt that the story was pretty slow and the writing incredibly repetitive.  At the time, I felt like it was important to read since many of my students were reading the book and becoming quite obsessed.  After slugging through the first book, I felt I could at least have a little bit of an opinion of the book.  I told friends that I intended to finish the rest of them eventually; I just never got the motivation to read the other three.  A few months ago, I was reading up on "Macbeth" before I had to teach about the play for one of my jobs.  While on Sparknotes, I stumbled across this blog.  Intrigued, I started reading through his thoughts and opinions about the first book.    I continued reading post after post during that long day (I had an extra-long prep period at this school that day).  During that two-day job, I read at least half of his posts about the first book.  Finally, I had my motivation to continue reading the books.  I picked up the second one so I could read it along with the blog posts.  I found Dan's writing witty and intriguing.  He had several of the same problems with the books and many more questions than I had.  I'm not sure I could have finished reading the last book without this blog.  I am happy that I read through them all, but even more happy that I finished reading them!

One more day of work tomorrow.  Excited for the summer and excited to move on to the next chapter of my teaching career.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Noisy 7th Graders are noisy

The beep rang out over the computers.  The beep of the PA system.  "Please excuse this interruption," starts the schools assistant principal.  I demand quiet from all the 7th graders as the principal continues.  "We are going to go into a modified lockdown.  Please have all students return to their classrooms. Teachers, you may continue to teach as normal.  My students were in the computer lab in the shared space of the seventh grade pod.  I had no idea whether the computer lab would be ok in this "modified lockdown" situation.  I figured with language like lockdown, I better not risk it.  I tell students to leave their computers and stuff where it is, and go into the classroom now!  I get all the students into the room, take attendance just in case, and immediately wonder what I should do now.  I riffle through the pages of my substitute folder only to find the information on lockdown procedure to be quite vague.  Basically it said, lock the classroom door and take students to the "designated area of the classroom."  Designated are?  It sort of made sense because this school had LARGE open windows that could never be covered in a timely manner in the event of an emergency.  But this was a modified lockdown.  There didn't seem to be any immediate danger, just some weird unexplained situation.  I checked my e-mail on the slim hope that someone from the office might have thought to add the subs to an e-mail explaining the situation.  No such luck.  I remembered also that I was not issued a door key as usual at the beginning of the school day.  They were all out of sub keys for my pod, so I had to have another teacher unlock my door.  I quickly planned that in the event that a "typical" lockdown was later called for, I would have to run to a neighboring teacher to retrieve a key to lock my door.

In the meantime, my current charges were chatting away, unconcerned about the unexpected break in their class period.  I watched the clock, worried as the end of class ticked closer and closer.  What was I supposed to do at the end of the class period?  Would someone remember I was a sub and call me to let me know what to do?  These a millions more questions raced through my brain as the seconds continued to fly by.  Finally, five minutes before the end of class, the assistant principal's voice beeped through the PA system again.  "At this time we are calling the end to the modified lockdown, classes will continue as normal for the rest of the day."  I let my students out of the classroom to retrieve their belongings and log off their computers.

Classes did continue as normal.  I had several classes of very noisy seventh graders (a Friday with a sub at the end of the school year!  Thank goodness it wasn't sunny out too!)  At lunch, I asked the other teacher's if this was a planned lockdown drill that they forgot to tell me about or if they knew what had happened.  The first teacher didn't know, but assumed the school needed to complete their quota of lockdown drills for the year.  A second teacher, however, saw a police officer with a dog in the main hall  when he went to close the large pod doors.  Suddenly the events of the morning made a little more sense.  If the police came to the school with the drug sniffing dogs, they would not want students to be out roaming the halls.  No danger, just confusion.  And I have yet another experience as a teacher to check off my list.  I think the only thing left is teaching sex-ed

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Yesterday I finally did it.  I have now been to every school in my school district.  Well, I've been to all the "normal" schools.  Yesterday I made it to the last of the twenty-seven elementary schools in the district.  I have also gone to all seven junior high schools and all four high schools.  My school district also has several alternative schools call choice schools.  There are eleven of these schools around the district.  These schools also aren't your typical alternative schools.  Each school has a different focus and curriculum is set for each school to match their focus.  For example, there is Environmental School (self explanatory) Renaissance School (focus on the arts) and International School (focus on multi-cultural aspects).  Some of these schools have their own building while other schools are housed within another school.  Each of these schools also has different age ranges.  There are a few for elementary students, several for junior high students, and several for high school students.  Unfortunately, I have only made it to six of the choice schools.

I feel quite accomplished making it to all the regular schools.  I hoped when I started subbing that I would somehow make it to all the schools before I left.  As this school year is winding down, I didn't think I would have time to make it to the last few schools on my list.  I still wish I could make it to the last of the choice schools, but because there are few teachers at those schools, they are quite difficult to get a sub job there.  So now I celebrate my current accomplishments!  I also rejoice that there are only fourteen more school days left.